Donate and Support
Your donation and support is vital to assuring our work keeps elevating the lives of our community.
Your generous financial contributions are directed towards compensating our committed instructors, choreographers, and performers for their invaluable efforts. We strive to create meaningful job and performance opportunities for dancers, musicians, visual artists, and others in our vibrant local and regional community.
If you prefer to discuss other opportunities for sponsorships or volunteering please fill out the form below.
Other Ways to support The Follies Girls
The classes at the studio are open to the public and we invite you to take some classes to explore your interests in various dance styles and performing arts opportunities.
Telling others about the organization, sharing our events with others and providing both feedback and testimonials about the organization help us to spread the word about our mission and vision, classes and events and so forth. Word of mouth is priceless and we appreciate you for your positivity in helping women seek their place within our performing arts community.
Throughout the year, The Follies Girls will be host to workshops and support group opportunities to better enhance our work towards our mission and vision as well as our skills within the performing arts.
Follow us on one or many of our social media platforms, like, share and comment on posts and be active in promoting the heart of what we're about.
We offer a few sponsorship opportunties for likeminded businesses who want to continue to see women thrive within the arts throughout their entire lifespan. Connect with us for more information.
Become a member of The Follies Girls cast and/or crew. We host auditions throughout the year and often have technical or hospitality needs that could use someone's expertise.
In what ways are monitary contributions applied?
Your generous financial contributions are directed towards compensating our committed instructors, choreographers, and performers for their invaluable efforts. We strive to create meaningful job and performance opportunities for dancers, musicians, visual artists, and others in our vibrant local and regional community.OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE FOLLIES GIRLS
We have a number of options for being a part of the organization contact us so we can discuss how to support and be a part of The Follies Girls mission.
Complete Form Below
If form does not show up well on your device here is the direct link: https://forms.gle/ohJ2HJ9ANU6Arztz8
All photography of The Follies Girls courtesy of StarrLight Images.
© 2025 The Follies Girls and www.thefolliesgirls.org.